Add : no . 1 hu bin road , changchun jilin , china 130022 it is about 10kms to the city center -桦林深处,依湖而居,长春华侨饭店是集餐饮住宿娱乐会议为一体的四星级涉外宾馆。
Add : no . 158 hu bin road , fuzhou lakeside hotel , fujian , china 350003 distance from city center : 2 . 5km , distance from railway station : 4km , distance from airport : 60km . the view aroun : west lake , left sea park , xichan temple -福州西湖大酒店是福建省豪华别具规模的国际五星级大酒店,座落于风光旖旎的福州西湖之畔,风景独好交通便利,被海内外客人誉为湖光山色第一楼。